Excessive sebum secretion along with bacterial infection, harmonal issues can trigger acne which can cause a lot of stress to the patient.

Acne is classified broadly in two categories

  1. Non inflammatory like Black heads and white heads
  2. Inflammatory Acne like Cysts, papules , nodules and pustules

Blackheads and whiteheads are the mildest forms of acne. These can sometimes be cleared up with OTC topical medications, such as salicylic acid-based toners or benzoyl-peroxide spot treatments. If they don’t respond to OTC medications, comedones are easily treated with topical applications.

Pustules and papules are more moderate forms of acne. These may or may not clear up with OTC meds. Widespread moderate acne may require an oral or topical prescription .

Nodules and cysts are the most severe form of acne. Picking or popping nodules and cysts can lead to scars.

We offer Customized treatments to address acne choosing the right combination

  1. Comedone Extraction – A simple procedure using manual pressure with a comedone extractor to express out the blocked contents of the pilosebaceous follicle
  2. Chemical Peels – Controlled destruction of epidermis leading to exfoliation, resurfacing without scarring can treat both active acne as well as acne scars . Salicylic acid peel , Glycolic acid peel, TCA peel and Jessners peels are effective in acne treatments
  3. Non Ablative lasers and light Therapy – These heat energy machines are useful to treat active acne . These devices target either the sebaceous gland or the active acne and in some cases both. The photo excitation reaction generates free radical that destroys the bacteria along with being anti inflammatory. Heat Light Therapy also works on reducing the number of glands consequently reducing sebum and acne .
  4. We also offer Acne Scar Treatment with plasma rich infusion coupled with peels , dermabrasion and lasers . Results are excellent as the package is tailored to the patients individual problem
Do consult your nearby dermatologist in initial stages Don’t touch, pick, pop or squeeze your pimples
Do regularly moisturize your skin Don’t waste your time in trying home-remedies for scar, as they don’t work
Do strictly follow a healthy life-style and skincare regime to prevent acne Don’t over-exfoliate
Do use the medical treatment prescribed by doctor for acne Don’t scrub your skin too roughly.
Do get rejuvenation peels on/off, if moderate acne recurs Don’t ignore the severe acne, early treatment can prevent aggravation and scarring
Do stay hydrated Do not forget to avoid sun exposure
Do not forget to avoid sun exposure